Tip top
Tip Top ger ett bra stöd över bröstet men lite mer generös över magen. Bandet knyter du i nacken. Tye dyen är färgad enskilt vilket betyder att varje plagg är unik i sin blå färg och mönster.
Normal i storleken.
The Tip Top is tight around the breast area but gives the belly room to breath with its looser fit. There is a strap that you tie around the back of your neck. The tye dye fabric is coloured separate wich meens that every item is uniqe in its blue colour and pattern.
Normal i storleken.
The Tip Top is tight around the breast area but gives the belly room to breath with its looser fit. There is a strap that you tie around the back of your neck. The tye dye fabric is coloured separate wich meens that every item is uniqe in its blue colour and pattern.